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GSE - Your Partner in Education and Training

Professional Development

Professional development and teaching

Qualified teachers

German Senior Experts are your partner to ensure teaching at your school or educational institution.
Fully qualified teachers (2nd state examination for teaching at secondary schools, Sek I (grades 5-10) and Sek II (grades 11-13) with many years of professional experience are registered with us. They are happy to take on assignments abroad and come from a wide range of subject areas.

  • German, German as a foreign language (DaF, DaZ)
  • French, English
  • Mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology
  • Art, music
  • Sport

Are you looking for a different specification?

Get in touch with us for a customised offer according to your needs.

Your contact at GSE:
Mr Wilmar Diepgrond
Ms Bettina Hartmann
Phone +49 228 26090-3579

Send us an e-mail

Instructors and trainers

Does your staff not have the necessary qualifications? Do you lack skilled personnel?
Whether for partners abroad, on-the-job- training or individual coaching - at German Senior Experts you will find the trainers and instructors you need. 

Electrical engineering, electrical machines, electrical drives

  • Electronics, mechatronics, PLC, CNC
  • Industrial mechanics
  • Welding
  • Vehicle construction
  • Construction industry
  • Catering trade, hotel management, tourism
  • Medical and care professions
  • Are you looking for a different specification? Get in touch with us! 

We are geared to your needs and will be happy to provide you with a customised offer.

Your contact at GSE:

Ms Nicole Geier

Phone +49 228 26090-3647
Ms Bettina Hartmann
Phone +49 228 26090-70

Send us an e-mail

Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände

Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V.

Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammer

Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks