Legal notice

Senior Expert Service (SES) gGmbH 
German Senior Experts

P.O. Box 2262
53012 Bonn
Bonn, Germany

Kaiserstrasse 185
53113 Bonn
Bonn Germany
Phone: +49 228 26090-70

Management and responsibility for content:
Dr Michael Blank
Register court: Bonn Local Court
Register number: HRB 3983
Value added tax identification number: DE288063020
The non-profit SES gGmbH is only subject to VAT in its commercial branch German Senior Experts.

Concept, design and technical realisation
Krankikom GmbH
Calaisplatz 5
47051 Duisburg
P.O. Box 10 08 35, 47008 Duisburg

Terms of use

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Despite careful checking, no liability can be accepted for the accuracy, completeness
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As a content provider, SES is responsible for its own content that it makes available
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Copyright © 2024, Senior Expert Service (SES) gGmbH. All rights reserved.