The best preparation for moving abroad

Preparation professionals for professionals

Professionally prepared for moving abroad

Optimise the success of your staff secondments abroad with targeted consulting and training. Whether it concerns the selection of suitable staff for your project abroad or well-thought-out return planning: don't leave the success of your international projects to chance.

Opening up new markets brings opportunities, but also great uncertainties. People in the destination country act differently, and their industry requires specific approaches and solutions. We understand the need to avoid that a secondment is terminated prematurely.

Our services

1. Staff selection for projects abroad

Identifying the most suitable candidates in your company for your project abroad to maximise success

2. Tailor-made preparation for assignments abroad

Tailor-made preparation for the challenges in the destination country - individually adapted to your industry and your project

3. Professional coaching during the assignment

Support from experienced coaches to successfully overcome challenges during the assignment

4. Well-planned return

Strategic career planning, smooth reintegration and effective use of the know-how gained

5. Preparation for highly specific secondment topics

- Countries for which there is no professional training available elsewhere
- Industries that are very specific
- Challenges such as climate, crises, personal safety, etc.

Global Mobility consulting reduces the transaction costs of your projects abroad.

Contact us for your individual offer.

Your contact for GSE Global Mobility Consulting: 
Philipp Niermann, COO Global Mobility 
Tel. +49 228 26090-56

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Preparation at eye level

Solutions that suit you

All success factors at a glance

Support at the right moment

the right choice

Suitability assessment

How do you select the right candidates for your project abroad? 

The secondment cycle usually begins with the selection phase. Not everyone is equally suitable for a longer secondment abroad. The qualifications required for this complex challenge are special and often not taken into consideration when it comes to selecting suitable candidates. Social and intercultural skills are extremely important for a secondment. The selection of the most suitable candidate has a significant impact on the success of a secondment.

We carry out a comprehensive assessment of all the factors that make staff particularly well qualified for your project abroad. Our interviews, tests and coaching provide you with a well-founded recommendation as to which of your candidates is best suited for the secondment.

Your project abroad begins with the selection of the right candidate. Use Global Mobility for a well-founded assessment to set the course for the success of your internationalisation project. 

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the right information

Preparation for secondment by industry professionals

How do you prepare your staff for upcoming challenges? For the culture, for the people and for the special features of the industry in the culture of the destination country? How do you prepare the family of the seconded staff?

We prepare you not only for the "culture of the country", but also for the relevant section in which you will be working: your industry, your network, your local life. Our experts themselves have worked in your destination country and your industry and have a local network.

Not only classic long-term secondments benefit from professional and customised consulting services. Shorter secondments are also more successful if your staff are prepared for the country and industry in a e-oriented manner. Does your company work with split-family flexibility or modern-family models? In this case, the success factors of your projects abroad also become more complex. Efficient preparation and support become more important.

  • Are you planning a look-and-see trip to get to know your destination country? Our experts will prepare you for this - how can you best use this first trip to prepare for your secondment?
  • Get to know how local people think and act and what solutions work well
  • You will gain practical insights into the professional and organisational world that awaits you in your destination country and receive sound preparation for working in your local industry
  • You will receive checklists to make your preparation easier: what needs to be considered? In what order and with what lead time? Tailored to your situation
  • All questions that may arise during the preparation for your secondment will be answered: your expert will assist you, providing you and your family with the know-how you need
  • You will also get to know your coach, who will support you during the secondment. We offer know-how for every country and every industry to ensure your success

Take advantage of our consulting, training and seminars for your international success. You will receive customised preparation for your country, your industry and the individual situation of the staff and their family.

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at the right time

Professional coaching during the assignment

How do you help staff with the challenges arising during a secondment? What do you do if seconded staff or their family are in crisis? What effective measures do you take if the secondment is not successful?

Even the best preparation cannot prevent challenges in the destination country. We offer you personal and individual support from accomplished coaches who know your country of assignment well from their own professional experience. Your coach provides digital support via video conference, working out solutions with the seconded staff and mobilising resources. The many questions that secondees have at the beginning can also be clarified quickly and easily this way. Regular video coaching sessions ensure sustainable secondments, whatever the challenges.

Everyone experiences the challenges of a secondment differently - talk to a coach who will support you in the country. Possible challenges and issues that our coaches can help with are, for example:

  • Successful development of local networks
  • Challenges in the private sphere: children, school, living in a foreign culture
  • Overcoming personal crises
  • Staying motivated and productive
  • Increasing the work efficiency in the foreign culture
  • Developing successful communication in the destination country
  • Overcoming problems with authorities or customs

Are you planning a secondment and want to provide your staff with the best possible support throughout the entire period? Is your staff member already on assignment abroad and there is a risk of the assignment being terminated? Get in touch with us. We will bring him/her together with a professional coach who will provide confidential and solution-oriented support.

No matter where in the world - your coach is just a click away.

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Coming Home

Returnee support

What happens to your career after the secondment? How do you integrate the new experience with the world you return to? How do you integrate the new wealth of experience the secondee gained for the benefit of your company? How do you maintain the returnee's motivation?

A major challenge of longer secondments abroad is the return to Germany. An integral part of good secondment consulting is, therefore, early and strategic planning of the return home. Above all, the career of the staff should benefit from their stay abroad. However, other factors also play a role.

  • The smooth reintegration of the secondee and their family. The new experience is often a challenge when returning home. There is often a reverse culture shock: what was once familiar is initially unfamiliar and has to be integrated with the new experience. We offer you the support of professional reintegration coaches

  • The know-how gained abroad is of particular value. It can and should be utilised for the benefit of the company. Create added value in the company through additional know-how gained

Don't leave the return to chance. A professional coming home programme ensures the added value of the secondment for your company, facilitates reintegration and prevents reverse culture shock and individual crises.

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the right topics

Consulting for highly specific secondment topics

Do you need preparation for specific topics?

We also offer consulting for very specific secondment topics – for both individual preparation and groups. For example:

  • Preparation for secondments in extreme climates
  • Preparation for humanitarian missions and secondment to crisis areas
  • Mental health and resilience during the secondment period
  • Personal safety during the secondment period
  • Cross-cultural negotiation

Do you need to prepare for a very specific secondment? We offer customised preparation seminars and trainings for countries, sectors and topics that are as special as your project. Get in touch with us.

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Why chose Global Mobility Consulting?

Preparation by professionals for professionals

Preparation abroad by professionals for professionals

GSE supports you with experts and coaches who have many years of experience in your particular industry and who have worked in this industry in your destination country. Benefit from the practical experience and industry specific know-how of our experts. Your advantages are:

  1. Industry knowledge. GSE experts know the best practices in your industry, including in your destination country
  2. Our experts have networks and relationships in your industry - in both Germany and your destination country
  3. Market knowledge. Benefit from insights into the market dynamics of your destination country, for example, the local competitive situation
  4. Adaptation of business projects to local conditions. Our experts can help to adapt projects and activities to the specific requirements of the industry in the destination country
  5. Risk mitigation. Experts help to better assess the risks of a secondment because they know the typical challenges in the particular area
  6. Credibility and communication at eye level. Our experience is that you can reach eye level with industry professionals more quickly than with trainers who are not acquainted with the particular industry. Our experts have no reservations about coming into contact with your way of thinking, your terminology and your industry culture

Customised solutions

Every project abroad is different. The requirements for global strategies and international market developments are becoming increasingly complex and every approach is unique.

  • Cultural differences characterise the challenges in every country
  • Standards and behavioural expectations apply to every industry. Outsiders are easy to recognise - even abroad
  • Market conditions differ
  • Best practices used in Germany do not work there

That's why we offer you customised solutions that fit your project abroad. We prepare your staff for the culture, country, industry and individual challenges. Trainings and seminars are developed for your specific situation, with a strong focus on your project.

Global Mobility Consulting saves costs

According to a study carried out by "The Economist" magazine (publication of the Economist Intelligence Unit), secondments often fail for the following reasons:

  • Cultural reasons. Lack of understanding of the local culture, of the common ways of communicating and of methods for achieving goals that work well in the particular country
  • Selection of less suitable candidates for the special challenges abroad
  • Lack of willingness of staff to go on secondment due to uncertainties regarding their career, family, etc.
  • Pressure on the family of the secondee. Children's problems at school in the secondment country, restricted social life, etc.
  • Lack of consideration of the family of the secondee and of local career options
  • Conflicts between the requirements of the parent company and the actual experience with opportunities in the local business environment

Global Mobility Consulting offers solutions for any of these challenges. We help with the selection of candidates, prepare staff for the secondment, impart knowledge on the particularities of the local culture and industry, show best practices on how goals can be achieved and also involve the family in everything. During the secondment, experienced coaches support the secondees and their families in facing all challenges, no matter whether these are of cultural, professional or personal nature.

We know what works

A secondment is not a simple project. Every secondment consists of different phases, each of which has its own special requirements. Only if each phase is optimally planned and implemented will the probability of success of a secondment abroad increase. This is why we offer you support for all phases, from selecting a candidate and preparing the secondment to assisting the secondee during the secondment and after their return.

  • Selection phase. We support you in making a well-founded assessment of the most suitable candidate for your secondment. Because the right skills count
  • Look-and-see trip. Our experts offer you the ideal preparation to use the short trip effectively to clarify the most important questions you may have
  • Preparation phase. We offer your staff tailor-made preparation for the country, culture, industry and local life
  • Acclimatisation phase in the country. Our coaches with country expertise provide support with all questions and challenges that may arise. These are handled confidentially before they become a problem
  • Implementation phase in the country. Whenever things get challenging: our coaches help to find solutions, always focussing on the secondee and their family. After all, it's not just the job that determines the success of the secondment
  • Completion and return phase. We help with the reintegration of the secondee and their family, coping with the re-entry shock and maintaining the added value of the returnee's new skills within the company

Securing the success of secondments in the long term

Ensuring the success of a secondment requires good planning, continuous support and the right know-how at every stage.

  • Avoiding the "seminar effect". Many people are familiar with this: Seminars provide good information, prepare you for challenges and motivate you. But after a short time, you are back in the daily routine and the new knowledge is difficult to integrate. That is why we go further: Our coaching immediately follows seminars and training courses to help staff make use of their newly acquired knowledge
  • Local support. Sufficient support is often lacking, especially after departure. Trustworthy coaching helps to ensure that seconded staff are not left alone with questions and concerns that they would rather not share with "buddies" or "mentors" in their own company. Secondees also benefit from the country expertise of the coaches
  • Involving the family. Seminars, trainings, coaching at home or in the destination country - we always focus on the secondee and their family. Secondments are only successful if the "family system" is involved
  • Benefit from experience. Companies and their secondees often experience everything for the first time during a secondment. Benefit from the experience that others have already made
  • The industry counts. It is not just the cultures of the world that differ - the cultures of individual industries are also very different. Our specialists speak your language

As special as your project

Conventional intercultural seminars are very useful. But they often only focus on a few countries - usually mainly those in which many companies are currently doing business. Even less emphasis is placed on industry diversity: the focus is usually on "the culture of a country", with business etiquette or trade often taking centre stage.

We offer customised preparation for almost all countries. And because your project is special, we offer support by GSE experts for almost every industry. This is where our strength lies. Because "One Size Does Not Fit All".

Here are a few examples of the industries we focus on in our secondment consulting, which we also offer for your destination country:

  • Secondments of engineers
  • Secondments of scientists
  • Secondments of IT specialists
  • Secondments of medical staff
  • Secondments of sales specialists
  • Secondments of architects and urban planners
  • Secondments of teachers
  • Secondments of diplomats
  • Secondments of tourism experts

Looking for something else? Get in touch with us.

Experts & Coaches

Mastering the complex challenges of a secondments abroad requires more than intercultural training. We offer a unique and customised approach that continuously prepares and secures the secondment, from the planning to the return phase.

We support you with our own first-hand expertise. Our experts and coaches have lived and worked abroad themselves - in your destination culture and in your industry. They are professionals who know the practice.

Take advantage of the expertise of people who are as professional as you are. Secondment consulting offers you tailor-made preparation and support with know-how at eye level - to ensure your success abroad.

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Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V.

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Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks